Most people experience depression and anxiety at some point in their lives. Sometimes this is situational, triggered by a change in employment, financial situation, illness, death of a loved one, issue with a child, family member or partner. In other cases, anxiety and depression have been a life long struggle.

People with anxiety may suffer from excessive and uncontrollable worry, difficulty concentrating, being ‘on edge’, inability to relax, and sleep problems.

They may also experience irrational fears, difficulty in social situations, panic attacks, and intrusive and repetitive unwanted and frightening thoughts.

Individuals with depression suffer from chronic feelings of sadness/emptiness, irritability, loss of energy, insomnia, difficulty concentrating, as well as other issues.

Often people suffer from low self-esteem based on unrealistically high expectations, inner critical voices, and mistaken beliefs about themselves they carry from childhood or learned through their adult relationships and experiences. I provide a supportive environment for people to discuss these issues and find ways to reduce symptoms and feel better.

Individual Therapy - Jody Ann Shelby Rockville Centre Therapy

I am trained in using a variety of techniques tailored to meet the needs of each person in individual therapy.

I help individuals become aware of and alter negative thought/behavioral patterns utilizing my knowledge in CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy).

I also encourage individuals to examine their family background and its impact on their current issues.

I have expertise in employing guided visualization and mindfulness techniques.

Finally, as a Certified Professional Coach, I possess life coaching skills to help individuals establish attainable and healthy goals, and develop a strategy to achieve them.

Contact Jody Shelby, LCSW – Psychotherapist in NYC & Rockville Centre, NY
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